Your little darling is in the world.
Congratulations. I am very pleased
about your growth
Memories for life
You love strong women, you have it made. The birth is behind you and your angel is in your arms. How wonderful these moments are. The hormones go crazy and your love overflows for this miracle in your arms.
This is called Love at first sight.
Your emotions and love stay with you forever, only sometimes it quarrels with the pictorial memories. And that's what I'm here for you. :-)
I keep the little ears and hands, noses and eyes, and of course the tiny ones for you Toes, figuratively tight. and your treasure in different comfortable Positions to really hold everything in place.
Baby photos , baby photos Zurich . Baby Photos Horgen , newborn photos , newborn photos Horgen , newborn photographer , newborn photographer Horgen, newborn photography , newborn photos Richterswil, newborn photos rapperswil , newborn photos Jona, newborn photos horgen , newborn photos Thalwil , baby photos horgen , baby pictures horgen , baby photos Zurich , horgen Newbornpictures , Newbornpictures Wädenswil , Newbornphotoshoot , Newbornphotoshoot Zurich , Newbornfotos Horgen and surroundings
Intimate moments of anticipation.
Because family love means
little info
The most beautiful pictures of your child are created in the first two weeks after the birth. During this period, the newborns mostly still sleep. That's the way it is easier to photograph them in a curled position (like in the womb).
The most beautiful pictures of your child are created in the first two weeks after the birth. During this period, the newborns mostly still sleep. That's the way it is easier to photograph them in a curled position (like in the womb).
Newborn Photoshoot
approx. 15 min advice for preparation
2h 30 min Photo shooting
Outfits & accessories
(provided by me)
10 digital images + image rights
400.- CHF
Your Home
Photo shoot in your loving, cozy home
Approx. 15 min consultation for preparation
45 min photo shoot
5 digital images + image rights
10 announcement cards
300.- CHF
Your Home
Photo shoot in your loving, cozy home
Your upgrade
Each additional child/person CHF 50.00
Photo book with 20 - 26 pages for only 150.00 CHF. (excl. postage)
Your 15 pictures printed at 10x15 36 CHF. (excl. postage)
Beautiful wooden box for & with 15x 10x15 prints & 8 GB USB stick for 95 CHF. (excl. postage)
Du hast die Möglichkeit, alle Fotoshootings nach deinen Wünschen zu kombinieren. Egal, ob du ein zauberhaftes Babybauch-Shooting mit einem einfühlsamen Neugeborenen-Shooting verbinden möchtest oder ein herzliches Familien-Shooting mit einem verspielten Kinder-Shooting, die Entscheidung liegt ganz bei dir. Als besonderen Bonus erhältst du auf den Gesamtpreis der kombinierten Shootings einen Rabatt von 10%.
Stell dir vor, du entscheidest dich für das Deluxe Babybauch-Shooting zusammen mit dem Premium Neugeborenen-Shooting und erhältst dank des 10% Rabatts beide Shootings für nur CHF 1'089.- statt CHF 1'210.-. Buche jetzt dein Kombi-Angebot und tauche ein in eine Welt voller unvergesslicher Erinnerungen. Nutze diese Gelegenheit, um von dem Preisnachlass zu profitieren und deine schönsten Momente für die Ewigkeit festzuhalten.